
Introduction of Straight Razor Wire

With straight and simple installation as the most prominent feature, Straight Razor Wire application into the rope in real life is more widely. Whether it is in the family's daily or in some prisons etc plays a great role. From the rope straight into the people's vision, to be widely used, obviously, it hasn’t waste too much time. Our Straight Razor Wire using 0.5mm thick hot-galvanized steel sheet and 2.5mm-thick high-carbon galvanized (hot-dipped or electric) wire. Using this material, can protect wire from corrosion, extending service life of the products. - See more at: http://www.sunwiremesh.com/Introduction-of-Straight-Razor-Wire-id18840.html#sthash.ltNoIfO7.dpuf
Introduction of Straight Razor Wire
Introduction of Straight Razor Wire

